

ARTICLE I: Election of Officers

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Section 1: Preparation

a. The nomination and election of officers shall be held at the annual meeting of the calendar year which shall be in November or December.
b. A president shall be elected at the annual meeting attended by a majority of members. He or she shall be elected for one (1) year. Four other officers, treasurer, secretary, program chairman and general manager shall be elected also at the annual meeting. Whenever a vacancy occurs in any office, the vacancy shall be filled by special election designed by the Executive Committee.
c. At least four (4) weeks prior to the annual meeting, the president shall appoint a nominating committee including the past presidents of the Association.
d. The nominating committee shall prepare a report giving the officers to be filled and the nominees to each office, which report shall be presented in the notice of meeting at least one (1) week before the annual meeting at which the election is held.
e. At the annual meeting there shall be furnished the entire membership in good standing a ballot containing the names of nominees for the respective offices, upon which each member shall indicate his or her choice.

Section 2: Balloting

The nominees receiving a majority of votes shall be declared elected for a period of one year. Officers may be reelected for another term without rest¬riction.

ARTICLE II: Duties of Officers

Section 1: President

The president shall appoint all committees, shall preside at all meetings of the Association and of the Executive Committee, and shall perform such other duties as ordinarily pertain to such office.

Section 2: Treasurer

It shall be the duty of the treasurer to have custody of all funds, account¬ing for same to the Association at its annual meeting and to perform such other duties as pertain to such office. Upon his or her retirement from office the treasurer shall turn over to his or her successor or to the president, all funds, books of accounts or any other property in his or her possession.

Section 3: Secretary

It shall be the duty of the secretary to keep records of membership, record the attendance at meetings, send out notices of meetings of the Association, Executive Committee, record and preserve the minutes of such meetings and per¬form such other duties as customarily pertain to such office.

Section 4: Program Chairman

It shall be the duty of the program chairman to plan, procure program materials and invite persons related to all programs to be presented at regular and annual meetings, and perform other duties as pertain to such office.

Section 5: General Manager

It shall be the duty of the general manager to keep custody of all property, arrange and prepare for the meeting places, purchase necessary equipment and stationary, etc. for the functioning of the Association and perform other duties as pertain to such office.

Section 6: Executive Committee lU^C^^^

?fl& fivo clcctfld-Mrftriu'Vi '.II.IU Mr^^faflM*^J™^^ as often as necessary with president presiding. The Committee shall establish the goals and objectives of the Association, make long-range and short-range plans for the active operation of the Association, and shall implement these programs with efficiency and consistency.


Section 1: Annual Meeting

The annual meeting of this Association shall be held during the last two months of the calendar year and at such time the election of officers shall take place.

Section 2: Regular Meeting

The regular meeting of this Association shall be held at least two (2) times in a calendar year. The time and place of the meetings shall be set by the Executive Committee.

vSection 3: Quorum

Forty (40) percent or more members in good standing shall constitute a quorum at regular or annual meetings of the Association. Three (3) or more officers shall constitute a quorum in Executive Committee meetings.

ARTICLE IV: Dues and Contributions

Section 1: Membership dues shall be twenty (20) dollars per household or ten (10) dollars per single per year. No membership dues shall be collected from students.

Section 2: Voluntary contributions to the Association shall be welcome and be acknowledged in the Treasurer report and regular Association newsletters.

Section 3: The amount of membership dues may be adjusted through the voting by all members present in any regular meeting.

ARTICLE V: Methods of Voting

Section 1: The business of this organization shall be transacted by voice or hand vote, except the election of officers which may be by ballot.

Section 2: There shall be no voting by proxy.

ARTICLE VI: Ad! Hoc Committee

Section 1: The president has power to appoint member to any Ad Hoc committee as needs arise. Such committee shall make its report to the Executive Committee and be resolved when its function ends.


Section 1: The treasurer shall deposit all funds of the Association in a bank named by the treasurer.

Section 2: All bills shall be paid by checks signed by the treasurer, arid countersigned by the president if necessary.

Section 3: The fiscal year of this Association shall be from January 1 to Decem¬ber 31.


These By-Laws may be amended by a majority vote of the Executive Committee at its meeting. These amendments recommended and passed by the Executive Committee shall be presented to the next regular meeting of the Association and adopted by a majority vote of the members in good standing present at such meeting. No amendment or additions to these By-Laws can be made which are not in conformity with the Association Constitution which is the organizing document of the Association.

Adopted by the Executive Committee, June 13, 1981
To be presented to the next regular meeting for adoption.